Well it has been a while since I was out hunting. Even though it seems like an eternity, it really has only been about 3 months. Funny how when it's something that you love a day seems too long let alone 3 months! The season was finally here and well it was time to get after it.
Opening morning came and went without me going to the field. I woke up and spent time with my son Drake before I was off to class. It was definitely a different type of opening day. I sat there listening to whatever the professor was saying, which triggered me to start day dreaming of geese locked up and committed. Class couldn't get over soon enough!

I managed to be able to keep Drake one more night and decided I was going to take him on his first ever goose hunt! I got home and told him the good news and he was more excited I think than me. High fives and off to his room to get into his camo. Once that was taken care of he was on his way to get the blind bag. Funny how for not ever doing this before he sure knew what we needed! Mike arrived and we threw the dekes in the truck and off we went.

Well we knew the deck was stacked against us due to incoming weather but we gave it the old college try. We met up with my buddy and continued on to our destination. We weren't able to drive onto this field so we all looked like a bunch of mules loaded with gear heading out into the field. We brushed in our blinds and set the deke's up and were ready to go.

Now I have to tell you and be honest that hunting with a three year old can be a little bit trying. Especially on the very first time out of the year. Reality is he wanted us "to shoot them geese" so bad he couldn't stay still no matter how hard I tried to get him to or no matter what I bribed him with! He was a trooper though. He made it through the first part of the rain before him and I went back to the truck.

We did however see some geese and had plenty of ducks in our faces. He loved that. Even though we wouldn't shoot any geese this hunt, he was still fired up on the way home and said "daddy that was my best hunt ever, now can we go shoot the deer?"

This opening day was definitely one to remember for many reasons. There were many firsts. It was the first time in ages I wasn't out in the morning. I am learning to juggle being a full time student, a single daddy and taking care of my hunting and fishing obligations. A lot more planning is going into this season for sure. The biggest first though was being able to take my son out hunting for his first goose hunt. It really doesn't matter that we never fired our gun. We were able to be out and spend time together and have fun even if it was trying at times.
All in all it was a blast and I can't wait to get Drake out in the field again. By far my most productive hunt to date and one I will remember forever. Someday we will be able to look back at this and laugh and he will realize just how much his daddy loves him and how proud he was to be able to be able to spend that opening day in the field with him. This is what it is all about and I wouldn't trade this experience for the world.
Nuff Said!
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